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Document Review
Submit your documents for review by our team of experts and receive feedback you can trust.
Having your legal documents or contracts reviewed by an experienced lawyer before you sign ensures that your interests are protected. Any legal document which has the potential to have a substantial impact on your finances, ability to operate or responsibilities should be reviewed and checked for issues. Document reviews are also highly recommended any time you make changes to an existing legal document or your situation changes.
Our legal document review services are conducted by an experienced lawyer who understands the language and legal environment, ensuring your interests are protected.
How it works?
Why should you have
your documents reviewed?
It is important that any contract or legal document is in compliance with the Khmer Civil and Commercial Code, as well as any other legislation that is relevant to the nature of the contract. Our document review service will ensure that your interests are protected and the documents in question clearly achieve their desired outcomes and are fully compliant with the relevant legislation.
To achieve this, our expert lawyers will carefully review your documents and notify you of everything that could possibly be a contentious issue for you.
Please note that this service is only for reviewing your legal documents only.
The Consultation
in detail
KHR 800,000 / USD 200
Online payment (Paypal or Credit card)
English, French or Khmer documents can be reviewed
Document reviews handled by a experienced Lawyer
We are open:
Monday – Friday
9 am – 6 pm (UTC+7)