Belaws Home ›› Thailand ›› Juridiques ›› Blockchain Expertise

Thailand is one of the first countries in Southeast Asia to establish a legal framework for Cryptocurrency. This framework has unlocked many opportunities in Thailand for businesses and startups who operate in the blockchain sector.
With our extensive knowledge in Blockchain, Belaws’ experts can help our clients overcome any legal obstacles surrounding blockchain, Cryptocurrency, fintech, and make sure all transactions satisfy all regulatory compliance procedures.
Same day advice
Our team of experts are on hand and ready to help you whenever you need it. Our Blockchain Expertise service offers same day advice for urgent matters, giving you peace of mind.

Speak to one of our experts and seek the advice you need straight away.
THB 1,500
Send our experts any documents you may have to receive feedback and advice you can trust.
THB 3,000
Same day advice
Sometimes the difference between an hour and a day is everything. Our team of experts are on hand and ready to help you whenever you need it. Our Accounting and Secretary services offer same day advice for urgent matters, giving you peace of mind.

Speak to one of our experts and seek the advice you need straight away.
THB 1,500
Send our experts any documents you may have to receive feedback and advice you can trust.
THB 1,500
Blockchain Expertise
Cryptocurrency Business
Feasibility Check
Our experts will check whether your planned business activity and structure is suitable for Thailand.
ICO (Initial Coin Offering)
ICO/STOs are subject to strict requirements and protocols.
Cashing Out
Your Cryptocurrencies
Cashing out your Cryptocurrency can be a complicated procedure in Thailand.
Over the Counter
Transactions in Thailand
Cashing out a large sum of Cryptocurrencies requires special procedures.
Taxes on crypto
in Thailand
Anticipate the taxes on your crypto transactions to ensure compliance and avoid any issue with the Revenue Department.
Smart contracts allow transactions and agreements to be executed between anonymous parties.
(Decentralized Finance)
DeFi is still relatively new and not clearly regulated yet. It is strongly advised to anticipate coming regulations to ensure compliance of your DeFi project.
Blockchain Expertise
Cryptocurrency Business
Feasibility Check
Our experts will check whether your planned business activity and structure is suitable for Thailand.
ICO (Initial Coin Offering)
ICO/STOs are subject to strict requirements and protocols.
Cashing Out
Your Cryptocurrencies
Cashing out your Cryptocurrency can be a complicated procedure in Thailand.
Over the Counter
Transactions in Thailand
Cashing out a large sum of Cryptocurrencies requires special procedures.
Taxes on crypto
in Thailand
Anticipate the taxes on your crypto transactions to ensure compliance and avoid any issue with the Revenue Department.
Smart contracts allow transactions and agreements to be executed between anonymous parties.
Non-Fungible Tokens
NFTs in Thailand can be confusing, our experts can provide assistance where needed.
(Decentralized Finance)
DeFi is still relatively new and not clearly regulated yet. It is strongly advised to anticipate coming regulations to ensure compliance of your DeFi project.
Ouvert du Lundi au Vendredi
9h - 18h (Heure de Paris + 6h)