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Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
& Employee of Record service in Thailand
An employer of record, also known as an international Professional Employer Organization (PEO) or sponsored work permit, enables you to quickly hire and onboard workers in Thailand without the cost and risk of establishing a local entity.
What is PEO and employment of record in Thailand?
Our PEO service can help you legally hire the foreign and local employees your company needs in Thailand. By taking advantage of our PEO service, clients do not need to worry about major obstacles such as company incorporation, payroll and work permits and are free to focus on other areas of their business.
• Work Permit & Visa provided
The PEO company will provide Visa and work permits to the foreign employees
• Limited investment
No need to set up a company, invest capital and hire local employees.
• Payroll & tax services
The PEO company will handle the payroll and compliance for the personal income tax of the employees
Our team of experts can assist you in the following areas
Register your employees with relevant authorities using a company in Thailand as the employer of record.
- Establish the payroll protocols, including salary amounts, Thai labour contracts, etc.
- Distribution of the monthly salaries to staff following previously agreed upon protocols.
- Organise and pay all required social insurance contributions, Withholding Tax (WHT) and personal income tax (CIT).
- Redistribute monthly reimbursements.
A partir de
THB 15,000 *
per month for foreign employee*
THB 5,000
per month for Thai employee
30 Business days
to obtain work permit and visa for a foreign employee
* fees for Visa and work permit excluded
Champ d'application
- Pre-registration procedures: Coordinate with the client to establish the scope of services to be provided and also obtain the details of the employees position e.g. salary and job title etc.Collecting, preparing and filing all the required documents for onboarding the employee. This will cover areas such
- as Visa & Work Permit (for foreign employees), payroll and compliance (Tax deductions and payments etc).
- Answering questions in relation to the PEO service.
- Advising you on the post onboarding procedure to ensure a smooth working relationship.
Besoin de plus ?
Explore other PEO Services
What is the process for onboarding a foreign employee as a PEO?
Be prepared for obtaining your BOI Licence with our comprehensive and free registration checklist.
Be prepared for obtaining your BOI Licence with our comprehensive and free registration checklist.
Outsourcing service agreement
The parties enter into an outsourcing service agreement detailing the relationship between the foreign employer, the local employer in Thailand and the foreign employee.
1 to 3 days
Obtaining job position approval for the foreign employee
To be eligible under our PEO service, the foreign employee must be a skilled employee. We will collect the following documents, evidence of work experience and education diplomas. We will then obtain approval of the job position for the foreign employee
15 days
Obtaining a Visa and a Work Permit
Foreign employee already in Thailand: depending on their current Visa type and the remaining length of stay, we may be required to change the Visa type before being able to obtain the work permit and extend their stay in Thailand.
Foreign employee not in Thailand: We will assist you with obtaining a Non-immigrant B Visa from the relevant Embassy abroad.
The Visa extension and work permit is processed within one day in Bangkok. Our Visa expert will accompany the foreign employee at the immigration department.
15 days to obtain Work Permit approval 1 day to obtain Visa Extension and Work Permit
Post-onboarding duties
The PEO company will invoice the foreign employer on a monthly basis to recover the foreign employee’s salary and his related service fees. The PEO company will prepare the payroll, issue the pay slip, deduct the personal income Withholding Tax and pay the employee.
Questions fréquemment posées
Who is responsible for the day to day supervision of the employee once the onboarding process has been completed?
Though PEOs is the legal employer, the actual business owners or clients have control of the employees. The clients determine job responsibilities, quality standards, salary, KPIs, working hours etc. in compliance with Thai labor law regulations.
How are PEOs different from an employee leasing service?
An employee leasing company usually works on a temporary basis or for specific projects, whereas the role of a PEO is that of a full service provider to its clients’ business and managing the hiring and legal compliance issues for employees.
How do PEOs pay employee wages and payroll taxes?
PEOs are contractually obliged to pay wages and fulfill all taxation rules and regulations in Thailand. The PEOs will invoice the foreign employer on a monthly basis to collect the foreign employee salaries and will ensure that the foreign employee is paid and relevant taxes have been withheld.
What is the minimum wage for foreign employees in Thailand?
The minimum salary for a foreign employee is dependant on where they are from:
Australia, Canada, Europe (except Russia) Japan USA |
50,000 baht/month |
Hong Kong Singapour South Korea Taiwan |
45,000 baht/month |
Other Asian Countries not listed Central and South America eastern Europe Mexico Turkey Russia South Africa |
35,000 baht/month |
Africa (except South Africa) Burma Cambodia Laos Vietnam |
25,000 baht/month |
What are the social contributions in Thailand?
The minimum salary for a foreign employee is dependant on where they are from:
Net Taxable Income (THB) | Tax Rate (%) |
0-150,000 | Exempt |
Greater than 150,000 but less than 300,000 | 5 |
Greater than 300,000 but less than 500,000 | 10 |
Greater than 500,000 but less than 750,000 | 15 |
Greater than 750,000 but less than 1,000,000 | 20 |
Greater than 1,000,000 but less than 2,000,000 | 25 |
Greater than 2,000,000 but less than 4,000,000 | 30 |
Over 4,000,000 | 35 |
The Personal Income Tax of the employee is withheld by the employer on a monthly basis (source tax).
For a POE service, the POE company will pay the Social Security Contributions and withhold the Personal Income Tax from the foreign employee.
What is the minimum price for POE Service in Thailand?
Companies providing PEO Services in Thailand usually charge a service fee of between 15,000 to 20,000 per month. Some companies charge further high fees for work permit and Visa applications/renewals and monthly fees for payroll.
Belaws POE Service offers a flat fee of THB 15,000 per month including payroll fees. There is a one-off fee of THB 30,000 for obtaining a Visa, work permit and registering the employee with the social security system. The annual fees for renewing the Visa and the work permit are THB 20,000.
Can I use PEO service to sponsor my work permit in Thailand?
Independent workers or digital nomads wishing to live and work in Thailand can use a PEO service to work in Thailand. However, they must declare their full income in Thailand and use a recognised PEO company as their legal employer.
What are the employment regulations in Thailand?
Thailand’s employment law regulations are complete and extensively cover the minimum wage, working hours, annual leave, maternity and paternity leave, severance pay etc.
You can download our ebook on employment law regulations here:
Question avant de commencer ? *
Question avant de commencer ? *
Parlez à notre expert en programmant unAPPEL GRATUIT pour savoir comment créer une Retirement Visa in Thailand with Belaws.
(*) This Conversation is intended to provide basic answers to questions you may have about the PEO Services. But it is not a Lawyer’s Consultation.
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