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Business feasibility check
Before investing any substantial cost into starting your business, you should check whether or not your proposed business activity is possible in Thailand.
It’s also recommended to check whether your chosen business structure, e.g. a 100% foreign owned company can support your chosen activity. Thai business practices may limit the access of some business activities to foreign-owned companies. Therefore, you will need to identify alternative options, for example, applying for a BOI Promotion or finding a local Thai partner.
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before starting a business
Our market entry experts have compiled a vast amount of knowledge, gained through years of practice and experience. Our experts are on hand to provide clear and comprehensive feedback in relation to your proposed businesses feasibility.
- Would my business be eligible for a promotion from the Board of Investment?
- Would my business need to obtain a Foreign Business License?
- Are my proposed activities regulated or not under the Foreign Business Act?
- Can my business be 100% foreign owned or do I need a Thai partner?
Other relevant pages
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30 to 40 minutes.
With a Senior Lawyer and Real Estate Expert.
1500 THB / $30 USD
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Business Feasibility Check
THB 5,000
+ 7% VAT
2 business days
for most business activities
(extra time may be needed for certain special business activities
which may require Government approvals)*
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