en Thaïlande
E-certificate for Patent and Designs is now available
Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand (DIP) has announced the introduction of QR Codes and Reference Numbers on patent certificates. The use of QR Codes and Reference Numbers will allow patent proprietors or anyone else to verify and download an electronic certified copy of the letters patent via the DIP website.
Points clés
- Patent certificates can now be verified electronically through the use of QR codes included on the patent certificate.
- Electronic signatures will also be used to track-back in the event of forgery of messages appearing on the patents or electronic signatures.
- The new system will reduce the time it takes to issue a granted patent certificate from two months to 15 days.
What are the advantages of using QR codes and reference numbers?
The use of QR codes and reference numbers as a verification feature allows the proprietor to have the option to receive an electronic copy of the certificate instead of the physical certificate.
This feature will save both time and money when compared to the physical certificate delivery. The new system will reduce the time it takes to issue a granted patent certificate from two months to 15 days.
When did this new feature get introduced?
The QR Codes and reference numbers system was implemented for patent and petty patent certificates by the DIP in May 2021.
How will these new features be included in a certificate?
The new features will be included on the physical certificates (patent certificates, design patent certificate) in the following ways:
1) Security Paper – patents will be issued on 220-gram paper with the serial numbers appearing on the bottom left corner of the patent.
2) Royal Seal (Garuda) and red ribbon – bas-relief Royal Seal and Department of Intellectual Property (“DIP”) seal affixed on the patent.
3) QR Code will be placed on the bottom right corner of the design patent and petty patent. Scanning the QR code will provide access to the full version of the e-certificate signed digitally by virtue of Sections 26 and 28 of the Electronic Transactions Act B.E. 2544 (2001), as amended.
4) Reference Numbers and QR Codes can be verified at https://verify.ipthailand.go.th. The procedure for checking Patent/Design/Petty Patent with the reference number is also available on this page.
5) Patent numbers will be shown in a perforated vertical line on the right side of the certificate.
6) Digital Signatures will be implemented in the new patent certificate by using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to encrypt electronic data. This allows the officials to track-back in the event of forgery of messages appearing on the patents or electronic signatures.
The rise of electronic transactions in Thailand
Electronic transactions have grown to become a crucial part of our lives. Thailand’s government is looking to embrace this trend and is in the process of developing an electronic system that allows processes such as filing applications, official fee payments, signing of certificates and receipt of certificates to be completed via electronic means.
The development of such as system builds upon what was established in the Electronic Transactions Act B.E. 2544 (2001), (as amended, and the Royal Decree prescribing the Principles and Rules of Electronic Transactions in the Public Sector B.E. 2549 (2006)); which states that any transactions that were made electronically (where the use of electronic means is permitted) shall carry the same legal consequence as if having been concluded in a traditional fashion.
For more information on the use of electronic signatures in Thailand, please take a look at our blog post on the subject ici.
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Questions fréquemment posées
Un étranger peut-il être propriétaire d'un appartement en Thaïlande ?
Les étrangers peuvent être pleinement propriétaires de condominiums en Thaïlande (sous réserve du quota de propriété étrangère pour les développements de condominiums).
Un étranger peut-il être propriétaire d'un terrain en Thaïlande ?
Dans l'ensemble, les étrangers ne peuvent pas posséder de terres en Thaïlande (il existe certaines exceptions qui sortent du cadre de cet article).
Y a-t-il des frais lors de l'achat d'un appartement en Thaïlande ?
L'achat d'un bien immobilier en Thaïlande est soumis aux frais suivants.
Frais de transfert
Le Département foncier de Thaïlande prélève 2 % de la valeur estimée de la propriété.
Taxe professionnelle
La taxe professionnelle s'élève à 3,3 % de la valeur estimée. Toutefois, elle n'est due que si le bien est vendu au cours des cinq premières années de détention. Dans le cas contraire, elle est remplacée par un droit de timbre.
Droit de timbre
Un droit de timbre de 0,5 % de la valeur totale enregistrée de la propriété sera imposé. Lorsqu'une taxe professionnelle spécifique est applicable, le droit de timbre n'est pas requis.
Retenue à la source
L'application de la retenue à la source dépend du fait que le vendeur est une société ou un particulier.
Pour une société, la retenue à la source est fixée à 1 % de la valeur estimée ou à 1 % du prix de vente (le montant le plus élevé étant retenu).
La retenue à la source pour un particulier est calculée à un taux progressif en fonction de la valeur estimée du bien.
Quel type de propriété les étrangers peuvent-ils posséder en Thaïlande ?
La Thaïlande n'impose aucune restriction quant à la nationalité lors de l'achat ou de la vente d'un appartement.
Les étrangers peuvent donc acheter et posséder un appartement.
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