How do I get married in Thailand?
Registering a marriage in Thailand is a relatively straightforward process on paper, but in practice, it is important to be aware of requirements set out in the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand.
Proper preparation of all the required documents is essential, as even the smallest discrepancy could result in your registration being rejected. While rejection does not stop you reapplying again, it does mean that you will have to fix the errors accordingly which usually means time consuming applications and trips to your Embassy/Consulate.
Can I marry a Thai or foreign partner in Thailand?
Marriage registration in Thailand can be done at any Amphur (District office) in Thailand. For foreigners, marriage in Thailand comes in two forms; a foreign national marrying a Thai national, or a foreign couple who choose to get married in Thailand. The Registrar at the Amphur will register the marriage and issue a Marriage Certificate. Upon the completion of the registration, the marriage will be legally valid and recognized all over the world.
Once they have received their marriage certificate, Foreigners must declare their marriage to their home Government or at their respective Embassy/Consulate in Thailand. Marriage certificates will be issued in the Thai language, therefore, a valid translation will need to be obtained.
Les accords prénuptiaux sont-ils légaux en Thaïlande ?
Les accords prénuptiaux sont reconnus par la loi thaïlandaise, mais ils doivent respecter toutes ses exigences. Si vous vous êtes marié à l'étranger et que votre contrat prénuptial y a été enregistré, il peut être validé par un tribunal thaïlandais à condition qu'il soit conforme à la loi étrangère.
En vertu de la loi thaïlandaise, les conditions de base suivantes doivent être remplies lors de l'établissement d'un contrat prénuptial :
- L'accord doit être rédigé par écrit.
- Chaque partie doit être représentée par son propre avocat.
- Le contrat de mariage doit être signé par chaque partie et deux témoins (âgés d'au moins 18 ans). Cette signature doit avoir lieu au moment de l'enregistrement du mariage.
- Le contrat de mariage doit être enregistré auprès du même bureau local que celui où le mariage est enregistré.
Un contrat prénuptial offre au couple la possibilité de gérer la division de leurs biens matrimoniaux de manière discrète et privée. Une fois l'accord conclu, il est déposé auprès du bureau de district. (Le même district ou le divorce sera prononcé)
How do I register a marriage in Thailand?
Registering a marriage in Thailand is a relatively straightforward procedure and can be done at any Amphur (district office) in the country.
Please note that each district office will have their own policy with regards to appointments and whether walk in registrations are possible.
What are the requirements for getting married as a foreigner in Thailand?
Registering a marriage in Thailand requires documentation from both the bride and groom.
Firstly, please find below the basic requirements needed for a foreigner to register a marriage in Thailand:
- Original Passport
- Affidavit of Freedom to Marry (also known as “Single Status Certificate”). This is obtained from the Foreigner’s Embassy or Consulate and is used to prove that the foreigner is legally able to marry.
- A certified copy of the Foreigner’s Passport (the copy can be certified by either their Embassy/Consulate or by a Thai Notary Public)
- Divorce Certificate or Death Certificate (if applicable)
The requirements for a Thai Citizen to register a marriage are as follows:
- Thai ID Card
- House Registration (Tabien Baan)
- Certificate of Name Change (If applicable)
- Divorce Order or Death Certificate (if applicable)
Veuillez noter that each District Office (who are responsible for marriage registrations) in Thailand have the right to request any further documents they see fit to support the marriage registration.
Are prenuptial agreements legal in Thailand?
It is very important for any foreigner to consider the best way to protect their assets before registering a marriage. A prenuptial agreement is often the safest and most effective of achieving this. If one party to the marriage is a foreigner, it is vital that any prenuptial agreement will be recognized and legally binding in both their home country and Thailand.
Prenuptial agreements are recognized in section 1465 of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code. A Thai prenuptial agreement is a formal agreement which is entered into before the official marriage registration in Thailand. A prenuptial agreement governs the financial relations between the future husband and wife with regards to their properties and assets.
Are there any restrictions to getting married in Thailand?
In order to be able register marriage in Thailand (with a Thai citizen or 2 foreigners), the bride and groom must be able to satisfy the following criteria:
- Both parties must be at least 17 years old. Please note that Thai courts may allow a minor to marry if an appropriate reason is given and consent from the minor’s parents or legal guardians has been granted.
- Both parties must be of healthy and sane mental health.
- Both parties must consent to the marriage.
En conclusion
The Belaws team of Family Law experts are on hand to assist you with your Marriage Registration in Thailand. Our experts will help ensure that your marriage is properly registered in order to avoid facing any legal difficulties in the future.
Pour en savoir plus sur nos services en matière de droit de la famille, veuillez cliquer ici pour prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts.
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