Does my company need to create work rules for my employees in Thailand ?
Employees working in Thailand are guaranteed basic legal protections and benefits under the loi sur la protection du travail. The Labour Act sets out rights such as working hours, overtime, leave, termination of employment etc.
The Labour Protection Act also requires the following related compliance requirements for an employer or company who employs ten or more members of staff. Companies who satisfy this criteria must publish a set of work rules at the place of employment.
These work rules cover the following details:
What are the work rules?
The work rules must clearly outline the following details:
- Working Days, normal working hours and rest periods;
- Holidays and rules for taking Holidays;
- Rules governing Overtime and Holiday Work;
- Date and place of payment of Wages, Overtime Pay, Holiday Pay and Holiday Overtime Pay;
- Leave and rules for taking Leave;
- Discipline and disciplinary measures;
- Lodging of grievances; and
- Termination of employment, Severance Pay and Special Severance Pay.
Please note that these work rules must be published in Thai.
How do I publish the work rules?
The Employer must announce the work rules (in Thai) within 15 days of the date that the 10th employee has been hired at the company. The Employer shall always keep a copy of such rules at the place of business or at the Employer’s office.
It is important to note that the employer shall display the work rules in a prominent position in the workplace available to employees. This is to allow the employees to read and become familiar with the rules.
Furthermore, a copy of the rules must be given to the Director-General (or a person entrusted by the Director-General) within seven days from the date of the announcement of the rules.
Employers must also inform or send a copy of the work rules (within 7 days from the date of announcement) to the Local Welfare and Labors Protection Office.
Other important things to consider
If there is an amendment made to the work rules, the employer must announce the new amended work rules to the employees. Additionally, a copy of the new rules and the old ones must be sent to the Labour Protection Area Office where you submitted the original ones within 7 days from the date of their announcement.
How does this affect me?
The requirement to create and appropriately display your company’s work rules is mandatory for all companies who employ 10 or more members of staff. Additionally, the work rules must still be enforced even if/when the number of employers decreases to below ten.
Failure to establish a set of work rules by the employer could result in a fine not exceeding 20,000 THB.
En conclusion
Introducing and displaying your company’s work rules may seem like a minor issue, but in reality, failure to do so could result in a completely avoidable fine of up to 20,000 THB. When undertaking this process, it is essential that you carefully consider and satisfy all the requirements and ensure complete compliance.
Find out how our experts can help you with all compliance related issues by ce lien..
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