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The Thai Board of Investment (BOI) offers companies many unique benefits and privileges, making applying for a BOI Promotion an attractive proposition. One of the most significant advantages is the reduced requirements for obtaining a BOI Visa and Work Permit for foreign employees.
About the BOI Visa and Work Permit
While every company in Thailand needs to obtain the correct Visa and Work Permit for their foreign employees, companies promoted by the BOI are not subject to the same requirements as other company structures. For example, BOI promoted companies are not restricted by the same mandatory capital and minimum Thai staff requirements.
Foreigners who are employed at a BOI promoted company can obtain their BOI Visa and Work Permits from the One Stop Service Centre, as opposed to the Labour or Immigration offices respectively. The application and approval process is also far quicker and can be completed in a single day.
However, BOI companies must complete and have approved an online registration process which can be a confusing and time consuming process.
THB 25,000 *
+ 7% VAT
30 Business days
(Average time from the moment we receive
all the required information from you)
* Government Fees THB 100 application fee
+ THB 3,000 for a Digital Work Permit
+ THB 1,900 THB for the Visa extension fee
Application handled by a visa and immigration expert
Scope of work
- Assistance in the preparation of all required Government and supporting forms. This includes coordinating with the client’s employer to obtain the relevant documents.
- Submit the relevant applications needed by the BOI through the online “Single Window” system.
- Our Visa expert will accompany the applicant to the ‘One Start One Stop Services for Visa and Work Permit’ to obtain a digital work permit and visa extension.
Need more?
Additional services that you may require
What is the process for obtaining a BOI Visa and Work Permit?
Be prepared for obtaining your BOI Licence with our comprehensive and free registration checklist.
Be prepared for obtaining your BOI Licence with our comprehensive and free registration checklist.
Obtaining position approval from the BOI
Our experts which check to ensure that you meet all the requirements for obtaining a visa and work permit with the BOI promoted company. Our experts will then submit a new job position (which matches your qualifications) for approval by the Board of Investment (BOI).
7-14 business days
Receiving an invitation letter from the BOI
After receiving approval for the new position, our experts will request an invitation letter from BOI. This letter will be submitted to the Thai Embassy as part of the visa application.
3-5 business days
Assistance in obtaining a Non-Immigrant B (Non-B)
Our visa expert will collect the required documents in order to prepare the visa application and provide a complete set of the documents for you to submit to the Thai Embassy in your country.
3-7 business days
Submission of your qualifications for approval by the BOI
Once you arrive in Thailand, our visa expert will proceed to get your qualifications approved by BOI through the online ‘Single Window system’.
1-3 weeks
Obtaining your work permit and visa extension
Once approval has been granted by the BOI, our visa expert will schedule an appointment in order to receive your digital work permit and visa extension (and a multiple re-entry permit) at the One Stop Services Center.
1 day
Frequently asked questions
What is a BOI visa ?
While every company in Thailand needs to obtain the correct Visa and Work Permit for their foreign employees, companies promoted by the BOI are not subject to the same requirements as other company structures. For example, BOI promoted companies are not restricted by the same mandatory capital and minimum Thai staff requirements.
Foreigners who are employed at a BOI promoted company can obtain their Visa and Work Permits from the One Stop Service Centre, as opposed to the Labour or Immigration offices respectively. The application and approval process is also far quicker and can be completed in a single day.
However, BOI companies must complete and have approved an online registration process which can be a confusing and time consuming process.
What does BOI mean in Thailand?
BOI means Thailand Board of Investment or The Office of the Board of Investment is an agency of the Government of Thailand.
What are BOI Visas & Work Permits?
While every company in Thailand needs to obtain the correct Visa and Work Permit for their foreign employees, companies promoted by the BOI are not subject to the same requirements as other company structures. For example, BOI promoted companies are not restricted by the same mandatory capital and minimum Thai staff requirements.
How can I obtain a Visa & Work Permit in Thailand?
A foreigner who is coming to Thailand in order to work will first need to obtain a Non-Immigrant B Visa before arrival. Normally, applications for Non-Immigrant B Visas are made at Thai Embassies or Consulates outside of Thailand. Please note, it is possible to apply inside Thailand as well.
Once the applicant has been granted a Non-Immigrant B Visa, the holder can enter Thailand and will be allowed to stay for an initial period of not more than 90 days.
Once they have entered Thailand, the employee must apply for a Work Permit. Holding a Non-Immigrant B Visa is not enough to work legally, a Work Permit must be obtained.
During the initial 90 day entry period, the employee must apply for a Visa extension. Visa extensions are granted for 1 year and can be renewed for a further year.
For BOI companies, the Visa extension and Work Permit application are submitted through the BOI E-Expert System and collected at the One Stop Service Centre for Visas and Work Permits.
How do I apply for a non-immigrant visa to Thailand?
In order to apply for a Non-Immigrant visa You have to contact or the Consulate in your country. Belaws Thailand can help you throughout the process.
What documents do I need in order to obtain a BOI Work Permit and Visa?
What happens if I quit my job?
In the event of you leaving your job, you must surrender your work permit to the Labor Department no more than 10 days after leaving your position.
Can a foreigner start working after submitting an application for a work permit?
No, it is not possible to start working until a full work permit has been granted, unless the employee is working for a business promoted by the BOI (Board of investment).
Question Before You Begin? *
Question Before You Begin? *
Speak to our expert by scheduling afree call on how to get a BOI Visa and Work Permit in Thailand with Belaws.
(*) This Conversation is intended to provide basic answers to questions you may have about the Visa Retirement. But it is not a Lawyer’s Consultation.
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