Business licences in Thailand
Starting a business in Thailand will in all likelihood require a company to apply for a business license or permit in order to legally operate. Any required licences are dependent on the business activities of the company.
In this article we will take a look at business licences in Thailand.
Points clés
- Business licences or permits are required for certain business activities.
- The Foreign Business Act restricts foreigners or foreign owned companies from undertaking over 50 business activities. A Foreign Business Licence is required to counteract these restrictions.
- Business licences can only be obtained after the company has been registered with the Ministry of Commerce.
Who needs a business licence?
Setting up a business in Thailand may require a licence or permit depending on the business activities undertaken by your business.
Some examples of regulated activities which require specific licenses include tourism, school and childcare, liquor, medical, food and beverage industries.
The foreign business license in Thailand
In addition to the examples listed above, there are certain categories of business activities in Thailand that cannot be undertaken by a company that is majority owned by foreign nationals or non-Thai persons. The restricted activities are listed in the loi sur les entreprises étrangères.
If the foreign entity or firm wants to operate a business which deals in one of the prohibited classes of activities, it will be required to obtain a foreign business license in accordance with the regulations of the Foreign Business Act.
A foreign business license in Thailand enables foriegn owned companies to undertake such activities which normally are restricted by the FBA.
For more information about the Foreign Business Act, please take a look at our blog post ici.
Examples of businesses that may require a license
As mentioned above, a business license permits companies to conduct certain activities and is issued by the relevant Thai government department. Business licenses can be obtained by a company after it has been registered with the Ministry of Commerce.
For an overview of some of the more commonly required licenses in Thailand, please see the following:
Medical license
In order to be allowed to start a medical company in Thailand, different licenses may be required. Which licence you need will depend on the activities you undertake within the medical field.
If you plan to operate a service business, such as a rehabilitation center or a nursing home, a medical service business license must be obtained from the Department of Health Service Support.
If you plan to undertake an activity relating to medical manufacturing and have a factory which uses machines with a total of 50 or more horses or employs 50 or more people, a Factory license would need to be obtained from the Department of Industrial Works. Furthermore, if neither of the above criteria are met, an application for a Business Establishment license should be made to the Local Administration Organization.
For any clinical research activity, it is necessary to apply for a Science laboratory capacity certificate from the Department of Medical Science.
Finally, according to the Thai Drug Act Be 2510 (AD 1967), before marketing medical equipment, pharmaceutical products or medical food, any company must obtain permission from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Cannabis licence
While it is not illegal, Cannabis is considered to be a controlled herb according to a Ministry of Health announcement released on the 16th June 2022. Therefore, any business who wishes to sell and export Cannabis will be subject to licence requirements as stiplulatec by Section 46 of the Protection and Promotion of Traditional Thai Medicine Wisdom Act.
Furthermore, companies who import Cannabis seeds (for both Thai and foreign owned entities) must apply for the appropriate licence from the Thai Plant Quarantine department.
The production of products containing Cannabis is subject to various different licence requirements and obligations depending on the type of product. For example, food products require a licence for food manufacturing from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
More information can be found ici.
E-commerce license
Any business in Thailand which operates one or more websites for the sale of their goods or services is required to obtain an e-commerce license. An application for the e-commerce license can be submitted once the website is operational, and requires the following details from the website owner include:
- Name of the website
- Nature of the goods or services being sold on the website
- The date on which the website starts/started operating (application should be made within 30 days from the start date)
- Method of payment for the purchase
- Document evidencing the domain name registration or certification document from the service
- provider (ISP or web host)
Restaurant and bars
Les licences nécessaires pour un restaurant dépendent des services proposés, mais la plupart des restaurants thaïlandais doivent obtenir plusieurs licences obligatoires.
Les licences comprennent généralement les suivantes :
- A restaurant license. This licence must be obtained by companies whose premises are a minimum of 200 sqm. A certification of notice is required for any Thai restaurants whose premises is below 200 sqm;
- A liquor license. A liquor licence is required for any restaurant who will be serving alcoholic drinks on the premises;
- A music license. This licence must be obtained if the restaurant will have live music or any kind of music (radio, spotify etc) playing on its premises.
These licenses will be granted for a period of 1 year and must be renewed annually by the company.
More information can be found ici.
Financial services businesses
Businesses that wish to provide financial services through a company operating in Thailand will require certain licenses granted by the Bank of Thailand. Such services include:
- commercial banks,
- finance companies,
- credit finance companies,
- asset management companies and
- e-payment channel services.
Specialist financial institutions who assist in government policies to promote investment and economic development for Thailand will require further permission from the Ministry of Finance.
Import/export companies
A import/export company will require certain business permits. However, the permits required will depend on the category of goods being imported/exported.
Importing controlled goods may require specific licenses from the Food and Drugs Administration of Thailand.
Examples of controlled goods includes importing:
- food,
- medicines and
- cosmetic products.
Please note that importing electronic devices such as mobile phones will require a permit from the National broadcasting department in Thailand.
Furthermore, an import/export company will need to apply for a customs paperless license from the customs department in Thailand in order to be able to import/export goods under the company’s name.
Travel agencies
Operating a travel agency in Thailand will require a Tourism license from the Tourism Authority of Thailand. Organizing and selling tours and packages, scheduling accommodation and selling travel tickets is strictly prohibited without this license.
The license is categorized into the following groups, inbound, outbound and domestic tourism.
Travel agencies must be majority Thai owned and a local director is required to sign for the tourism license. It is important to note that the signing authority of the local director can be restricted to matters related only for the tourism license. This allows the foreign shareholders to maintain control of other aspects of the company.
Education businesses
Registering an education business in Thailand requires licensing and approval from the Ministry of education or the Department of Social welfare. Approval from the relevant authority depends on the category of education offered by the business.
Before setting up an education related business, there are a couple of key factors that you will need to consider such as the business premises and legal structure for the company. Failure to correctly address these will result in the application for the relevant licence being rejected.
Comment Belaws peut-il vous aider ?
Pour plus d'informations sur les licences d'entreprises étrangères en Thaïlande, pourquoi ne pas discuter avec un de nos experts ?
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Nos consultations durent jusqu'à une heure et sont menées par des juristes experts qui parlent couramment l'anglais, le français et le thaï.
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Questions fréquemment posées
Un étranger peut-il créer une société en Thaïlande ?
Oui, il est possible pour un étranger d'ouvrir une entreprise en Thaïlande. Il existe également des options permettant de créer des entreprises détenues à 100 % par des étrangers.
Combien coûte la création d'une entreprise en Thaïlande ?
Les frais officiels d'enregistrement d'une société en Thaïlande s'élèvent à 7 500 THB.
Comment créer une société à responsabilité limitée en Thaïlande ?
- Étape 1 : Choisir et enregistrer un nom de société.
- Étape 2 : rédiger et déposer l'acte constitutif.
- Étape 3 : convoquer et tenir une assemblée statutaire des actionnaires.
- Étape 4 : Enregistrer la société auprès du Ministère du Commerce.
- Étape 5 : Immatriculer la société à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) et l'impôt sur le revenu.
Est-ce une bonne idée de commencer une entreprise en Thaïlande ?
La Thaïlande est une option attrayante pour ceux qui souhaitent créer une entreprise. Elle dispose d’une excellente infrastructure, et des programmes tels que le BOI offrent des incitations importantes aux entreprises.
De quel montant avez-vous besoin pour créer une entreprise en Thaïlande ?
En règle générale, la création d'une entreprise en Thaïlande coûte entre 40 000 et 60 000 THB (hors TVA et taxes gouvernementales). Les frais officiels d'enregistrement d'une société en Thaïlande s'élèvent à 7 500 THB.
Comment un étranger peut-il créer une petite entreprise en Thaïlande ?
Oui, les étrangers peuvent créer une entreprise en Thaïlande. Cependant, certaines activités commerciales sont restreintes par la loi sur les entreprises étrangères (le Foreign Business Act) et pour pouvoir entreprendre dans ces secteurs d’activités les entreprises doivent obtenir une licence/certificat d’entreprise étrangère, ce qui peut être long et compliqué.
Quel est le plus grand problème de la Thaïlande ?
Le principal problème auquel sont confrontées les entreprises étrangères est de pouvoir entreprendre l'activité commerciale souhaitée en tant qu'entreprise détenue à 100 % par des étrangers. De nombreuses activités commerciales sont protégées par la Loi sur les Entreprises Étrangères (Foreign Business Act) et pour qu'une entreprise puisse opérer dans ces secteurs protégés, elle devra être détenue majoritairement par des actionnaires thaïlandais (à moins qu'une promotion du BOI n'ait été obtenue).
Pourquoi est-il difficile de faire des affaires en Thaïlande ?
La loi sur les entreprises étrangères (Foreign Business Act) limite les activités commerciales qu'une société détenue à 100 % par des étrangers peut entreprendre. Cela signifie qu'il faut rechercher des actionnaires thaïlandais ou obtenir une promotion du BOI pour qu'une société puisse fonctionner légalement.
Est-ce que je peux être propriétaire d'une société en Thaïlande?
Oui, les étrangers peuvent créer une entreprise en Thaïlande. Cependant, certaines activités commerciales sont restreintes par la loi sur les entreprises étrangères (le Foreign Business Act) et pour pouvoir entreprendre dans ces secteurs d’activités les entreprises doivent obtenir une licence/certificat d’entreprise étrangère, ce qui peut être long et compliqué.
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