Droit immobilier
What are the fees and taxes for selling a condo in Thailand?
Thailand has long been a popular destination for expats and investors to come and live long-term. This is the case now more than ever due to the recent introduction of the new visa de résidence à longue durée (LTR).
The purchase of a condo unit is the easiest way for a foreigner to 100% own a piece of real estate in Thailand. However, it is essential to consider the fees and taxes associated with purchasing a condo in Thailand.
This article will look at the taxes and fees for selling a condo in Thailand.
Points clés
- When selling a condo a transaction will be subject to transfer fees, special business tax (if applicable), stamp duty (if applicable), and withholding tax.
- Typically, with the exception of the transfer fee which is payable by the buyer or shared between both parties, stamp duty, withholding tax, and business tax is paid by the seller.
What are the fees and taxes for selling a condo in Thailand?
When selling a condo a transaction will be subject to the following fees and taxes:
- Transfer fees
- Business tax (if applicable)
- Stamp duty (if applicable)
- Income withholding tax
What is a transfer fee?
When making a real estate transaction, the transfer fee will be charged for the registration of the ownership transfer, with the Department of Lands.
The transfer fee is 2% of the appraised value of the property. This is a fixed fee that applies to all real estate transactions.
The transfer fee is typically shared equally between the buyer and the seller i.e. 1% each.
What is specific business tax?
Specific business tax applies to businesses that do not pay value-added tax (VAT). Specific business tax also applies to natural persons who sell their property within five years of the purchase registration date.
The transaction will be exempt from the specific business tax if the seller has owned the property in question for more than five years.
If a specific business tax is owed on a transaction, the amount will be calculated from the registered sale value or the appraised value (whichever is higher).
Are there any specific business tax exemptions?
The following exceptions will apply to specific business taxes subject to the following conditions:
- The seller has possessed the property more than five years before the transfer and uses it as their residential home (it was the seller’s domicile starting not later than one year from the date of purchase)
- The seller transfers the absolute property of the legal heir or an heir by a will
- The seller transfers the real property to a legitimate child (not applicable to adopted children)
- The seller transfers the real property without consideration to government agencies
- The seller transfers the real property without consideration to temples, churches, or mosques
- The exemption is limited to the transferred portion, which does not make the total area of the estate acquired by temples, churches, or mosques exceed 80,000 square meters
- The transferred real property has been used as the principal place of residence, and the seller’s name appeared in the housing register for not less than one year from the date of acquiring such property
- The property transferred was acquired through inheritance
What is stamp duty?
Stamp duty is calculated from the market or appraised value (whichever is higher).
Stamp duty is applied at a rate of 0.5%. The requirement to pay stamp duty depends on whether the transaction is subject to a specific business tax. If a specific business tax applies, the transaction is exempt from payment of stamp duty.
The seller is responsible for paying stamp duty.
What is withholding tax?
Withholding tax is imposed on the gain obtained from selling a property. Calculating the amount of WHT owed depends on several factors, including
If a company sells the property, the translation will be subject to a withholding tax fee of 1% of the registered or appraised value (whichever is higher).
If the seller is an individual, the WHT owed is calculated at a progressive rate based on the property’s appraised value. The final amount of WHT owed will depend on the years the seller owned the property.
If the seller buys and sells the property within the same year, it will be counted as one year of ownership. However, if the seller owns the property from December to July next year, it will be estimated as two-year ownership.
Years of ownership | Deduction |
1 an | 92% |
2 ans | 84% |
3 years | 77% |
4 years | 71% |
5 years | 65% |
6 years | 60% |
7 years | 55% |
8 years + | 50% |
Who is responsible for paying the fees?
Typically, with the exception of the transfer fee which is payable by the buyer or shared between both parties, stamp duty, withholding tax, and business tax is paid by the seller.
Comment Belaws peut-il vous aider ?
If you need more information about real estate in Thailand, why not talk with one of our experts right now?
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Questions fréquemment posées
Un étranger peut-il acheter un terrain en Thaïlande ?
En 2022, le gouvernement thaïlandais a approuvé en principe un projet de règlement ministériel visant à autoriser certains groupes de ressortissants étrangers à acquérir des terrains pour usage résidentiel en Thaïlande.
Puis-je obtenir un visa si j'achète une propriété en Thaïlande ?
Le LTR (disponible en septembre 2022) permet aux demandeurs qui ont investi 500 000 USD dans l'immobilier en Thaïlande de demander ce visa.
Les étrangers peuvent-ils acheter une propriété en Thaïlande en 2023 ?
Oui, les étrangers peuvent acheter des appartements en copropriété
Un étranger peut-il posséder une villa en Thaïlande ?
Oui, depuis octobre 2022, les étrangers sont autorisés à posséder un terrain en Thaïlande.
Un étranger peut-il créer une société en Thaïlande ?
Oui, il est possible pour un étranger d'ouvrir une entreprise en Thaïlande. Il existe également des options permettant de créer des entreprises détenues à 100 % par des étrangers.
Quel est le meilleur endroit pour acheter une propriété en Thaïlande ?
Bangkok, Phuket, Samui et Chiang Mai sont quelques-unes des destinations les plus populaires pour l'achat de biens immobiliers.
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