en Thaïlande
Thailand to adopt a new 5 year investment promotion strategy
Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) has approved a new 5 year investment promotion strategy. The purpose of this strategy is to identify industries and sectors that are essential to Thailand’s long-term development and competitiveness.
This new 5 year strategy will take effect at the start of 2023 and last until 2027.
Points clés
- The BOI strategy aims to identify industries and sectors that are essential to Thailand’s long-term development and competitiveness.
- The BOI will create supportive policies and services to encourage both domestic and foreign investment in these industries.
- The new 5 year strategy will be in effect between 2023 and 2027.
What is the new 5 year investment promotion strategy?
The BOI has designed and implemented a new five-year investment promotion strategy which has been designed to attract investment in innovative, high-tech, and green industries.
On October 17, 2022, the Board of Investment (BOI) announced the approval of the new Five-Year Investment Promotion Strategy. This strategy will be used to help identify important industries and sectors that are strategic to Thailand’s long-term development and competitiveness. It is hoped that this strategy will attract new investment within these identified areas. In order to do this, the BOI will create supportive policies and services to encourage both domestic and foreign investment in these industries.
The strategy will be in effect between 2023 and 2027.
Restructuring Thailand’s economy
The BOI’s investment promotion strategy is set to become a significant part of shifting Thailand into “the new economy era”. The “new economy era” broadly aligns with Industry 4.0, which refers to the application of automation, artificial intelligence, and smart technology in the economy.
The BOIs strategy will follow these three core concepts:
- Innovation, technology, and creativity;
- Competitiveness and the ability to adapt quickly; and
- Inclusiveness, taking into account environmental and social sustainability.
It is important to note that these concepts do not refer to specific areas or industries, but can be viewed as principles to guide how Thailand should develop its economy.
Furthermore, the BOI hopes that strategies such as these will strengthen Thailand’s status as a regional hub for business, trade, and logistics.
The strategy’s seven pillars
The strategy has identified seven pillars for turning the BOI’s investment promotion policies into reality. These pillars are the key areas of industry development and policy reforms identified by the BOI.
Le seven pillars are as follows:
- The upgrade of existing industries, this will be done in parallel with the development of new industries in which Thailand has a high potential.
- The acceleration of the industrial transition to green and smart industries through investments in automation, digital adoption, and decarbonization.
- The promotion of Thailand as a business hub, and an international trade and investment gateway for the region.
- Strengthening SMEs and startups, and making sure they have the access they need to the global market and supply chain.
- The promotion of investments in the different regions of Thailand.
- The promotion of investments that will promote community and social development.
- The promotion of Thailand’s overseas investment to expand business opportunities for Thai companies.
These seven pillars share several similarities. For example, all the areas listed aim to digitize the economy, create green industries and processes, and promote inclusive growth across Thailand’s regions and communities.
Who will this strategy benefit the most?
The industries that will benefit most from these pillars include electric vehicle manufacturers, bio-circular green (BCG) industries, and automated manufacturing systems, among others. Further, Thailand will put far greater emphasis on developing innovation and R&D capabilities, to help develop a stronger knowledge-based economy.
How will the BOI support this strategy?
The BOI will support this strategy through the use of incentives, service support, and policies that improve the business environment. Over the next five years, the BOI is expected to put greater emphasis on increasing support for both domestic and foreign investors by improving Thailand’s business environment and ease of doing business.
Thailand and the BOI will continue to offer tax benefits and other incentives to continue to support investment in target industries and regions.
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Questions fréquemment posées
Les expatriés paient-ils l'impôt sur le revenu en Thaïlande ?
La Thaïlande impose un impôt sur tout revenu gagné en Thaïlande, tant pour les résidents que pour les non-résidents. Cet impôt est prélevé indépendamment du fait que le revenu soit payé en Thaïlande ou à l'étranger.
Les citoyens thaïlandais paient-ils des impôts ?
Oui, les citoyens thaïlandais sont assujettis à l'impôt.
Que se passe-t-il si vous ne payez pas d'impôts en Thaïlande ?
Vous serez passible d'une peine d'emprisonnement d'une durée maximale d'un an ou d'une amende d'un montant maximal de 200 000 bahts ou des deux. Les deux.
Quel est le coût moyen de la vie en Thaïlande ?
En moyenne, un revenu de 1 500 dollars par mois est considéré comme suffisant pour mener une vie confortable en Thaïlande.
Comment puis-je éviter de payer des impôts en Thaïlande ?
Il n'est pas recommandé d'éviter de payer des impôts en Thaïlande.
Do expats pay tax in Thailand?
La Thaïlande impose un impôt sur tout revenu gagné en Thaïlande, tant pour les résidents que pour les non-résidents. Cet impôt est prélevé indépendamment du fait que le revenu soit payé en Thaïlande ou à l'étranger.
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