Discover the latest insights and updates on Thailand’s legal landscape. Stay informed with our comprehensive news page featuring articles penned by our expert lawyers. Gain valuable knowledge and guidance to navigate Thai law effectively and stay ahead of legal developments impacting your interests.

Digital Asset Investments Digital assets Cryptocurrencies Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulatory framework

This article will explore the new regulations implemented by the SEC and their impact on digital asset investments in Thailand

Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Data, PDPA, Personal Data Protection Committee, Data Protection Standards, Binding Corporate Rules, Appropriate Safeguards, Compliance, Data Protection Policies, Data Transfer Agreements, Penalties, Data Protection Impact Assessments, Data Protection Officer, Training Programs

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC) recently issued new regulations regarding the cross-border transfer of personal data.

Comment demander la nationalité thaïlandaise ?

In this blog post, we will explore how to apply for Thai citizenship.

Qu'est-ce que le livret jaune et la carte d'identité rose ?

The Yellow House Registration Book and Pink ID Card are two important documents for non-Thai nationals living in Thailand long term.

Acheter une entreprise en Thaïlande : Un guide pratique pour 2024

L'achat d'une entreprise en Thaïlande peut être une excellente option pour les entrepreneurs étrangers souhaitant s'implanter sur

Allocation d'achat pour l'impôt sur le revenu personnel en Thaïlande

This blog post aims to provide a clear understanding of the personal income tax allowance for shopping in Thailand.

Établissement stable en Thaïlande

Cet article vise à fournir une compréhension claire de ces termes et du processus de création d'un établissement stable en Thaïlande.

Loi thaïlandaise sur le cannabis et le chanvre : Impact sur les entreprises locales

Dans cet article, nous allons approfondir les aspects de la proposition de loi sur le cannabis et le chanvre, en soulignant son impact potentiel sur l'industrie thaïlandaise du cannabis.

Comprendre les nouvelles réglementations pour les opérateurs de plateformes numériques

Cet article aborde les nouvelles réglementations concernant les opérateurs de plateformes numériques et leur incidence potentielle sur votre entreprise.

Les licences d'actifs numériques en Thaïlande : Ce qu'il faut savoir

This blog post will explore digital asset licenses in Thailand.

Stay Up-to-Date: Thailand's DBD Issues Clarifications on Shareholders' Meeting Notice Publication Requirements

Shareholders’ Meeting

New changes to the sale and use of Cannabis in Thailand

A new set of changes to the rules on the sale and use of cannabis in Thailand were announced on the 11th of November 2022.

Investment opportunities in Thailand Amendment of the Public Limited Companies Act comes into force

Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) has approved new investment opportunities.

Challenges to starting a business in Thailand and how to overcome them

In this article, we will explore some of the more common challenges to starting a business in Thailand.

Modifications du Code civil et commercial : nouvelles règles pour les entreprises en Thaïlande

Le Parlement thaïlandais a approuvé un projet de loi qui a modifié le Code civil et commercial (CCC).

Impôts en Thaïlande : les erreurs courantes et les sanctions possibles

Cet article examine la procédure de licenciement d'un employé en Thaïlande et les paiements auxquels l'employé peut avoir droit.

Permis de travail en Thaïlande sans exigence d'embauche de personnel thaïlandais

A common question our experts are asked is, “how I can get a work permit in for a foreign employee, without having to hire Thai employees?”

company director in thailand The ultimate guide for a company director in Thailand in 2023

This article will serve as an introduction to the role and duties of a company director in Thailand.

Thailand to prepare new regulations for Digital Platforms

The draft Royal Decree on Digital Platforms has been updated and will contain new regulations for Digital Platforms.

Thailand to adopt a new 5 year investment promotion strategy

Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI) has approved a new 5 year investment promotion strategy.

2022 Tax filing deadlines

Running a business in Thailand is subject to many tax filing deadlines, failure to meet these deadlines could result in penalties and surcharges being imposed on the company.

Acquire a land in Thailand Own a land in Thailand Thailand to allow foreigners to own land

Thailand’s cabinet approved in principle a draft Ministerial Regulation which would permit certain groups of foreign nationals to acquire land for residential use in Thailand.

FAQ pour les entreprises du secteur du cannabis en Thaïlande

Dans cet article, nous examinons certaines des questions les plus fréquemment posées que nous recevons concernant les entreprises liées au cannabis en Thaïlande.

How do I get an Import/Export License in Thailand?

While import/export businesses are a very desirable business, such companies will require certain business licences in order to legally operate in Thailand.

How do I get an e-commerce licence in Thailand?

Toute entreprise thaïlandaise exploitant un ou plusieurs sites web pour la vente de ses biens ou services doit demander une "e-licence".

New Social Security Fund Contributions Rates

A new Ministerial Regulation has been issued designed to increase the rates of Social Security Fund Contributions.

Transfert d'actions pour une société par action simplifiée thaïlandaise

In this article we will take a look at the process for transferring shares in a Thai Limited Company.

Les incitations du BOI pour la promotion des “Smart City” en Thaïlande

In this article we will take a look at the incentives available for foreign companies who operate within a Smart City.

Can foreigners buy property in Thailand Owning a Villa as a foreigner in Thailand

Many people dream about owning a Villa as a foreigner in Thailand, but is it possible?

Draft SEC regulation prohibits digital asset operators from offering depositing and lending services

A new draft SEC regulation designed to restrict digital asset exchanges from being used as a way for clients to gain benefits through depositing and lending services.

Mesures relatives au transfert transfrontalier de données à caractère personnel

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC) has opened a public hearing period relating to its draft notification regarding cross-border transfer of personal data.

Comment acheter une entreprise en Thaïlande

How to buy a business: While starting a new business is often the first choice for entrepreneurs, buying an existing company is one possible alternative.

In this article we will take a look at business licences and who may need them for their company in Thailand.

Thailand Raises Minimum Wage Rates

This notification introduces new minimum wage rates for workers in Thailand.

Thais and Foreigners Marrying Abroad

Marrying a Thai national abroad is a perfectly valid way to get married, but to ensure this is legally recognised it is necessary to follow the rules and regulations relevant to the country you are marrying in.

Franchise commerciale en Thaïlande

Franchises in Thailand are a popular form of business, with it being estimated that there are over 400 franchises and over 12,000 franchisees within the country.

The Metaverse and Web 3.0 update - September 27th

The metaverse and web 3.0 has once again Web 3.0 announced some hugely exciting news over the past 2 weeks.

Thailand narcotics act: New legal framework for Kratom in Thailand

On August 27, 2022, Thailand published the Kratom Plant Act which introduced a new legal framework for Kratom in Thailand.

La plainte pour violation de la loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel

The Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC) recently established the procedures for filing and processing data subjects’ Personal Data Protection Act complaint.

The Metaverse and Web 3.0 update - September 6th

The metaverse and web 3.0 has once again Web 3.0 announced some hugely exciting news over the past 2 weeks.

SEC issues new digital asset advertisement regulations

Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced a new set of rules on advertising digital assets in Thailand.

The Metaverse & Web 3.0 update - August 17th

The metaverse and web 3.0 has once again Web 3.0 announced some hugely exciting news over the past 2 weeks.

CBDC Bank of Thailand Digital Currency Bank of Thailand plans to hold a Central Bank Digital Currency Pilot Test

The Bank of Thailand (BOT) is planning to take the next step in its development of a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) by holding a pilot phase to test its feasibility.

Legal Services Thailand

From Post Malone and Tony Hawk announcing virtual experiences to Reddit and Nike announcing Digital Asset platforms, it’s been another exciting couple of weeks for Web 3.0.

Airbnb recently announced a new initiative called “Live and Work Anywhere” which included Thailand as a destination.

HTC The Metaverse Web 3.0 update - July 11

HTC announcing they’ve developed their own metaverse focused mobile phone, to Kevin Hart announcing a Web 3 experience, Web 3.0 is once again making waves in the online world.

The Metaverse Web 3.0 update - June 27

The Metaverse and Web 3.0 has continued to make headlines with some exciting developments having been announced recently.

Quelles sont les sanctions en cas de violation du PDPA ?

Failure to comply with the PDPA could result in civil, criminal, and/or administrative penalties handed to the offending party.

Amendment to the Public Limited Companies Act

An amendment to the Public Limited Companies Act (No. 4) B.E. 2565 (2022) has been approved by the Government.

Long Term Residency Visa available from September 2022

Thailand has formally launched a new visa, known as a Long Term Resident Visa, which is due to begin in September 2022.

Sponsored Work Permit in Thailand

Sponsored Work Permits in Thailand provide employee management services and administrative assistance.

The VAT exemption for cryptocurrency and digital token trading in Thailand is now in force.

The metaverse Web 3.0 Update - June 2022

Web 3.0 has continued to make headlines with some exciting developments having been announced recently.

Requirements for entering Thailand - June 2022

Thailand has approved a set of changes to make it easier for foreign travellers to enter Thailand.

Metaverse Web 3.0 Update - April 2022

Web 3.0 has continued to make headlines with some exciting developments having been announced recently.

Requirements for entering Thailand in 2022

Thailand has approved a set of changes to make it easier for foreign travellers to enter Thailand.

Web 3.0 update

Over the past 2 weeks big names such as HSBC, Paris Hilton, Rihanna and American Express have made announcements relating to Web 3.0.

This week in Web 3.0: March 2022

Web 3.0 is continuing its takeover of 2022, with some big name brands having already announced their plans to take part in the Web3.0 revolution.

Thailand’s SEC announces a public hearing for Digital Asset Advertising

On February 14, 2022, Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that they will be holding a public hearing relating to the proposed advertising regulations for digital asset businesses.

This week in Web 3.0: February 2022

Web 3.0 is a term that is seemingly everywhere in 2022, but what is Web 3.0? Web 3.0 represents the next phase or development in the evolution of the web/internet.

Thailand aims to become a leading medical marijuana hub

Thailand is getting ready to position itself as a world leading medical marijuana hub. This will be achieved by helping the production and growth of medical marijuana.

Thailand is set to become the main hub in Southeast Asia for the production of electric vehicles with new tax incentives

Thailand: new incentives to remain a leading hub for the automotive industries.